歌词开始Your little hand\'s wrapped around my fingerAnd it\'s so quiet in the world tonightYour little eyelids flutter cause you\'re dreamingSo I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night lightTo you everything\'s funny, you got nothing to regretI\'d give all I have, honeyIf you could stay like that?Oh darling, don\'t you ever grow upDon\'t you ever grow up, just stay this littleOh darling, don\'t you ever grow upDon\'t you ever grow up, it could stay this simpleI won\'t let nobody hurt you, won\'t let no one break your heartAnd no one will desert youJust try to never grow up, never grow up?You\'re in the car on the way to the moviesAnd you\'re mortified your mom\'s dropping you offAt 14 there\'s just so much you can\'t doAnd you can\'t wait to move out someday and call your own shotsBut don\'t make her drop you off around the blockRemember that she\'s getting older tooAnd don\'t lose the way that you dance around in your pj\'s getting ready for school?Oh darling, don\'t you ever grow upDon\'t you ever grow up, just stay this littleOh darling, don\'t you ever grow upDon\'t you ever grow up, it could stay this simpleNo one\'s ever burned you, nothing\'s ever left you scarredAnd even though you want to, just try to never grow up?Take pictures in your mind of your childhood roomMemorize what it sounded like when your dad gets homeRemember the footsteps, remember the words saidAnd all your little brother\'s favorite songsI just realized everything I have is someday gonna be gone?So here I am in my new apartmentIn a big city, they just dropped me offIt\'s so much colder that I thought it would beSo I tuck myself in and turn my night light on?Wish I\'d never grown upI wish I\'d never grown up?Oh I don\'t wanna grow up, wish I\'d never grown upI could still be littleOh I don\'t wanna grow up, wish I\'d never grown upIt could still be simpleOh darling, don\'t you ever grow upDon\'t you ever grow up, just stay this littleOh darling, don\'t you ever grow upDon\'t you ever grow up, it could stay this simpleWon\'t let nobody hurt youWon\'t let no one break your heartAnd even though you want to, please try to never grow upOh, don\'t you ever grow upOh, never grow up, just never grow up歌词结束(欧皇资源论坛)
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