歌词开始I say \"**** it\" when I feel it我不爽就直接开骂\'Cause no one\'s keepin\' tally谁会记那么清楚呢I do what I want with who I like我想怎样就怎样I ain\'t gon\' conceal it绝不装While you talkin\' all that shit你尽管去废话I\'ll be gettin\' mine, gettin\' mine我是不会在意的Don\'t apologize for my behavior我不会为自己的行为道歉If you\'re offended, I don\'t care你觉得有被冒犯到 那和我有什么关系Starin\' at me \'stead of starin\' in the mirror别再照镜子 好好看看我Little weird how确实有点 但那又怎样Everybody tells me to play nice总有人对我指手画脚Everybody judge, but looking twice总有人不明真相 就乱评判But my body don\'t belong to, nah-uh-uh, none of them though但我不属于任何人And I\'m not gonna change \'cause you say so也不会按照你说的做I say \"**** it\" when I feel it我不爽就直接开骂\'Cause no one\'s keepin\' tally谁会记那么清楚呢I do what I want with who I like我想怎样就怎样I ain\'t gon\' conceal it绝不装While you talkin\' all that shit你尽管去废话I\'ll be gettin\' mine, gettin\' mine我是不会在意的Yeah, I say \"**** it\" when I feel it我不爽就直接开骂\'Cause no one\'s keepin\' tally谁会记那么清楚呢I do what I want with who I like我想怎样就怎样And I ain\'t gon\' conceal it绝不装I\'ll just do it like the boys say正如他们说的那样I\'m gettin\' mine, gettin\' mine我只在乎做自己Told me to play it cool让我别太张扬I break the rules, I\'m breakin\' hearts in two我就是不守规矩Warned me to make the rules说我当不成主宰Or play the fool, it ain\'t that hard to choose就别自作聪明 这其实很好选Take apart the do\'s and don\'ts明白该做什么 不该做什么And lose the won\'ts, I\'m gettin\' mine不去在意那些限制 做自己Mines is mine, yours is mine才不分你的我的 反正都会属于我This is mine, get in line本该属于我的 总会是我的Sometimes, I like to go play dirty有时也想试试耍诈Just like all of the **** boys do不过都是跟那群人学的That\'s my choice and there\'s no one I\'m hurtin\'我的选择 才不会伤及任何人But that\'s not girly尽管不太像女孩子的作风Everybody tells me to play nice总有人对我指手画脚Everybody judge, but looking twice总有人不明真相 就乱评判But my body don\'t belong to, nah-uh-uh, none of them though但我不属于任何人And I\'m not gonna change \'cause you say so也不会按照你说的做I say \"**** it\" when I feel it我不爽就直接开骂\'Cause no one\'s keepin\' tally谁会记那么清楚呢I do what I want with who I like我想怎样就怎样I ain\'t gon\' conceal it绝不装While you talkin\' all that shit你尽管去废话I\'ll be gettin\' mine, gettin\' mine我是不会在意的Yeah, I say \"**** it\" when I feel it我不爽就直接开骂\'Cause no one\'s keepin\' tally谁会记那么清楚呢I do what I want with who I like我想怎样就怎样And I ain\'t gon\' conceal it绝不装I\'ll just do it like the boys say正如他们说的那样I\'m gettin\' mine, gettin\' mine我只在乎做自己(Yeah, I say \"**** it\" when I feel it)(我不爽就直接开骂)(And I ain\'t gon\' conceal it)(绝不装)歌词结束(欧皇资源论坛)
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