歌词开始Where have all the good men gone正义之士在何方,And where are all the gods?诸神在何处,Where\'s the street-wise Hercules为平等而战,To fight the rising odds?见义勇为的大力士在哪里,Isn\'t there a white knight upon a fiery steed?可曾见白色的骑士横跨与火红的骏马之上,Late at night I toss and I turn, I dream of what I need夜阑人静,我辗转反侧,憧憬着自己的渴望,I need a hero渴望一位英雄,I\'m holding out for a hero \'til the end of the night我痴痴的等待,直至长夜渐尽,He\'s gotta be strong他强壮有力,And he\'s gotta be fast他身手敏捷,And he\'s gotta be fresh from the fight他英姿飒爽,I need a hero渴望一位英雄,I\'m holding out for a hero \'til the morning light我痴痴等待,直至晨曦微露,He\'s gotta be sure他沉稳自信,And he\'s gotta be soon当机立断,And he\'s gotta be larger than life顶天立地,Larger than life顶天立地,Somewhere after midnight半夜时分,In my wildest fantasy我浮想联翩,Somewhere just beyond my reach在遥远的地方,There\'s someone reaching back for me有人思忆着我,Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat叱咤风云,激流永进,It\'s gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet撼动我,非常人所及,I need a hero我渴望一位英雄,I\'m holding out for a hero \'til the end of the night我痴痴的等待,直至长夜渐尽,He\'s gotta be strong他强壮有力,And he\'s gotta be fast身手敏捷,And he\'s gotta be fresh from the fight英姿飒爽,I need a hero我渴望一位英雄,I\'m holding out for a hero \'til the morning light我痴痴的等待,直至长夜渐尽,He\'s gotta be sure他沉稳自信,And he\'s gotta be soon当机立断,And he\'s gotta be larger than life顶天立地,Larger than life顶天立地,Up where the mountains meet the heavens above在高耸入云的群山上,Out where the lightning splits the sea在电闪雷鸣之际,I could swear that there\'s someone somewhere watching me我坚信有人身处某地凝视着我,Through the wind and the chill and the rain历经风霜雪雨,And the storm and the flood狂风骇浪,I can feel his approach我感到他的临近,Like the fire in my blood热血沸腾,I need a hero我渴望一位英雄,I\'m holding out for a hero \'til the end of the night我痴痴的等待,直至长夜渐尽,He\'s gotta be strong他强壮有力,And he\'s gotta be fast身手敏捷,And he\'s gotta be fresh from the fight (I need, yeah)英姿飒爽(我需要),I need a hero我渴望一位英雄,I\'m holding out for a hero \'til the morning light我痴痴的等待,直至日出,He\'s gotta be sure他沉稳自信,And he\'s gotta be soon他当机立断,And he\'s gotta be larger than life他顶天立地,I need a hero我渴望一位英雄,I\'m holding out for a hero \'til the end of the night我痴痴的等待,直至长夜渐尽,He\'s gotta be strong他强壮有力,And he\'s gotta be fast身手敏捷,And he\'s gotta be fresh from the fight英姿飒爽,I need a hero我渴望一位英雄,I\'m holding out for a hero \'til the morning light我痴痴的等待,直至日出,He\'s gotta be sure他沉稳自信,And he\'s gotta be soon他当机立断,And he\'s gotta be larger than life他顶天立地,Larger than life顶天立地。歌词结束(欧皇资源论坛)
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