歌词开始Jay-Z- So AmbitiousYeah 3 in the morning on the Westside highway\' top down baby\'The motivation for me was them telling me what I couldn\'t be\'F-ck y\'allOh well\'This is us\' a special dedication\'I wanna thank you for the fuel\'No really thank you\'I felt so inspired by what my teacher said\'Said I\'d either be dead or be a reefer head\'Now sure if thats how adults should speak ta kids\'Especially when the only thing i did was speak in class\'I teach his a**\'Even betters what my uncle did\'I pop my demo tape in start to beat my head\'Peaked out my eye\' see if he was beating his\'He might as well say beat it kid\' he\'s on the list\'Its like I\'m searching for kicks like a sneaker head\'He gon keep pushing me until i reach the ledge\'And when I reach the ledge i\'ll tell em all to eat it dead\'Take a leap of faith and let my eagle wings spread\'Spread spreadMotivation for me was them telling me what I could not be\'Oh well\'I\'m so ambitious\'I might hit two sisters\'Hey i\'m on a missionNo matter what the conditions\'Forget the personal issuesWhen you been what i been through\'Hey if you believe it\'Then you could conceive itI had to lace up my boots even harder\'Father is too far away to father\'Further-more of the kids either smoke reefer\'Or either move white\' theres few writers in my cipher\'So they made lighter\' my type a dreams seem dumbThey said wiser\' how many guys a you see making it from here\'The world don\'t like us\' is that not clear\' a riper\'I\'m different\' i can\'t base what I\'m gonna be off a what everybody isn\'t\'They don\'t listen\' just whispering behind my back\'No vision\' lack of ambition\'So wackMotivation for me was them telling me what I could not be\'Oh well\'I\'m so ambitious\'I might hit two sisters\'Hey i\'m on a missionNo matter what the conditions\'Forget the personal issuesWhen you been what i been through\'Hey if you believe it\'Then you could conceive itHad a couple of meetings no office yet\'Maybe I ain\'t good enough for these offices\'Back to the drawing board ducking officers\'It\'s all good cos the streets is A&R\'ing this\'So with or without any of your involvement\'Coming for all of this\' respect my conglomerate\'I went from pauper to the President\'Every deal i made said President\'N-ggas thought I\'d fall without old buddy\'Oh buddy\' what i do is make more money\'Dear Teacher\' your probably somewhere near a speaker\'I\'m balling outta control\' can you hear my sneakers\'F-ck y\'all\'Motivation for me was them telling me what I could not be\'Oh well\'I\'m so ambitious\'I might hit two sisters\'Hey i\'m on a missionNo matter what the conditions\'Forget the personal issuesWhen you been what i been through\'Hey if you believe it\'Then you could conceive it歌词结束(欧皇资源论坛)
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