歌词开始Venus Vs. Mars - Jay-ZHov\'s a Blackberry BoldShawty is a SidekickShe used to have a manI used to have a side chickShawty got wind I had to blow the chick offGot rid of him they both took the sh-t hardShawty play the piano me I play the white keysShawty from the south oh i think she like meShawty like Pac me Big PoppaScreaming hit em up I\'m screaming who shot yaI\'m on that red wine shawty like whiteSame sh-t different toiletWe both getting niceMe I\'m from the apple which means I\'m the MacShe\'s a PC she lives in my lapShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it inVenus Versus MarsWhether Black or white we both like MikeWe both like Jordans We both feels niceWhen I finish breakfast shawty\'s out for lunchYeah we both eating its better than brunchShawty like Pepsi me I\'m da Coke ManBody like a coke bottle I crush it like a Coke canStarted at the window then the bedroom wallThe Ying to my Yang I skeet skeet offI hits it from the back Shawty like the frontThe Bonnie to my ClydeBoth riding shotgunBoth covered in gold like C3POJames and Florida Evans let the good times rollShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it in(Repeat)Venus Versus MarsThought Shawty was the truth found out she was a cheaterWe were supposed to takeover I caught her bumping EtherI thought shawty like Mike found out she like PrinceThought she was Adrian it\'s been Rocky ever sinceMy dollars was down she left me for some Euro\'sTook my whole flavour I call her coke zeroCo-MVP like Kobe and ShaqLeft me for the HeatWe were winning back to backSaid I partied too much shawty got fed upShawty got Britney shaved her whole head upWe used to make out kissing each others face offFell for the ponzi scheme damn shawty just Made-offShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it inDaddy go hardShawty get it in(Repeat)Venus Versus Mars歌词结束(欧皇资源论坛)
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