歌词开始Slushii - Smoke (Clean Mix)Written by:Julian ScanlanComposed by:Julian Scanlan、Erik Belz、Jordan ShawShe\'s elusiveAn aberration that don\'t want to be exclusiveShe\'s always making me feel like I\'m gonna lose itI\'m gonna lose itShe got excusesAlways leave me on the back foot tryna prove itMaking me think why the f**k I\'d even choose thisOh we push and pull like we lose it allAnd she takes my hand makes me comfortableBut behind those eyes in her deepest thoughtIs the darker shade of what she\'s tryna hideSometimes she\'s here sometimes she\'s smokeSometimes she\'s yes after she\'s noSometimes she\'s left but she\'s always rightSometimes I\'m in love but it wasn\'t at nightSometimes she\'s evil sometimes she\'s brokeSometimes I feel like she\'s a ghostWhen she gets high and see that I\'m lowI just say you go up in smokeUp in smokeShe\'s divisiveShe\'s always got me where she wants me how she likes itShe\'s always sitting always suffering in privateThat\'s how she likes itShe ain\'t the quiet typeEvery room she walk into the place alightsSame routine almost every night every nightOh we push and pull like we lose it allAnd she takes my hand makes me comfortableBut behind those eyes in her deepest thoughtIs the darker shade of what she\'s tryna hideSometimes she\'s here sometimes she\'s smokeSometimes she\'s yes after she\'s noSometimes she\'s left but she\'s always rightSometimes I\'m in love but it wasn\'t at nightSometimes she\'s evil sometimes she\'s brokeSometimes I feel like she\'s a ghostWhen she gets high and see that I\'m lowI just say you go up in smokeUp in smokeUp in smokeUp in smokeOh we push and pull like we lose it allAnd she takes my hand makes me comfortableBut behind those eyes in her deepest thoughtIs the darker shade of what she\'s tryna hideSometimes she\'s here sometimes she\'s smokeSometimes she\'s yes after she\'s noSometimes she\'s left but she\'s always rightSometimes I\'m in love but it wasn\'t at nightSometimes she\'s evil sometimes she\'s brokeSometimes I feel like she\'s a ghostWhen she gets high and see that I\'m lowI just say you go up in smoke歌词结束(欧皇资源论坛)
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