歌词开始little story - Kehlani (柯兰尼)Lyrics by:Kehlani Parrish/Andrew Wansel/Daniel Klein/Matt Campfield/Wesley SingermanWouldn\'t say I\'m a lie But I\'m not always honestI ain\'t come through but that\'s why I ain\'t promiseYou got a face that I could lie toLight blue lights in your white roomAnd you\'re fine tooOoohOh yeahI want you to do it againI want you to pick up the penAnd write me into your storyYou know I love a storyOnly when you\'re the authorTrynna meet you at the altarWorking on being softerOooohCause you are a dream to meOooh ooohIt\'s in the way you see through meOooh ooohStill mad I hit the dash on yaAfter wearing you down right \'til the last of yaI was moving just maybe a little fast for yaJust tell me it belongs in the pastCause you got a face that I could run fromHeartbreak targets in my shotgunBut you\'re not one ooohOh yeahI want you to do it againI want you to love me againAnd complete our little storyWe got one hell of a storyYou\'re a hell of an authorSwear I\'ll leave you at the altarWorking on being softerOoooohYou\'ve always been a dream to meOooh ooohIt\'s in the way you see through meOooh oooh歌词结束(欧皇资源论坛)
歌词开始专辑《深的深》01.玫瑰与小鹿(唱片版).flac02.浅浅.flac03.哥哥.flac0..482 次阅读时间:2024-08-21歌手《周杰伦》演唱会live歌曲+15张专辑+EP+单曲[FLAC/MP3/12.31GB]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载
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歌词开始歌手简介:2008年,阿黛尔发行了首张专辑《19》,获得当年水星音乐奖提名,并在全球取得了超..566 次阅读时间:2024-08-211995-2021年《王力宏》20张音乐专辑/单曲合集[FLAC/MP3/14.69GB]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载
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